Sunday, 7 June 2009

Beginning of a journey...


This blog is the beginning of a kind of journey of discovery for me (Jaz) and my boyfriend (Scott). We have been looking at some sites like EcoGeeks and it has really inspired us to start looking at the environment and how to be green, and more importantly WHY we should be green. So I headed over to the BP site with a Carbon footprint calculator on it, and spent some time calculating our footprints.

So me and Scott produce 3.2 tonnes of CO2 each (6.4 tonnes together) per year. This is actually pretty good, being about 31% of the UK national average of 10.3 tonnes per person. This is quite shocking as the average per person is enough to fill about 2 Olympic swimming pools of carbon dioxide per year. BUT, the UK is not as bad as some other countries, like for example the USA produces on average over double than the UK, so each person produces enough CO2 to fill about 4 and a half Olympic swimming pools.

You should definitely go and check on your own carbon footprint, either type it in on or use its really simple and only takes a few minutes.

*Random Fact* Recycling 1 glass bottle can save enough energy to light a 100-Watt bulb for 4 hours (But if you use high efficiency 40 to 60 Watt bulbs it would be even longer!).

So basically, in this blog we want to share our journey of discovery of interesting facts, figures and ways to be and why to be eco-friendly.


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